4e2 Class Blog Admin

I'm here to destress you guys again :D

Read This:

Overheard in an English class.
Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother."
Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents means cowboy's father and mother. Also can say Cowboy's father is Cow Pay & Cowboy's mother is Cow Boo. So together we say Cow Pay Cow Boo (KPKB)"
The teacher fainted.

Tip #2 on Stress Relief:

2. Comedy night: get in your favourite nibbles: chips, tortillas, salsa, crackers, cheese, pizza, chocolate, cookies, ice cream etc. Crack open a bottle of wine or pour yourself a beer or two coca cola/pepsi/sprite etc. and spend a full evening watching your favouritefunny films or comedians. Finding stress relief through laughter will raise yourspirits and is a great antidote to the pressures of modern life.

Oh and I made a linkable banner!

3E2 peeps with blogs, you can use this banner as a link to this blog if you want to.

Not compulsory though.


Good Luck For The Upcoming Exams!❤

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