God's holiness

hey, guys!
good luck for your exams....
just a tip:
in the picture, you can see red, beautiful trees that decorate the pale sky! it might be the subject of the photo, but it's not. look beyond the trees and come face to face with the rainbow! that is the subject. and so, do not be content with just an average mark... go for the best you can go, people!
oh well, revise, people, REVISE!

Hello people! Take note that only chapter 3-5 is tested for Social Studies!

And practice more maths before the exams.

Cause practice makes perfect XD


3 more days to prove others wrong, STRIVE together peepo(:

4e2 Class Blog Admin
Please bring your notes on Similar Triangles and past year A-Maths exam paper for Maths lesson tomorrow.

Please pass on the message.

ONE paper down SIX more paper to go!
(come on, its like so donkey more papers, but only 7 reflected in report book! what is this!)
the year is almost coming to an end.. we'll also be having our EOY exams this coming monday..

29/9 [MON] -- English [1] 0800 - 0945
-- English [2] 1045 - 1225

3/10 [FRI] -- Social Studies 0800 - 0930
-- Mathematics [1] 1030 - 1200

6/10 [MON] -- Mother Tongue [1] 0800 - 1000
-- Mother Tongue [2] 1030 - 1200

7/10 [TUES] -- Combined Humanities(GEOG,HIST,CHI LIT Elective) 0800 - 0930
-- Mathematics [2] -- 1030 - 1200

8/10 [WED] -- Additional Mathematics 0800 - 1000
-- F&N/D&T 1100 - 1300

9/10 [THURS] -- Science [ Biology] 0800 - 0915
-- Art 1015 - 1145

10/10 [FRI] -- Science [Physics] 0800 - 0915
-- POA [1] 1015 - 1115

13/10 [MON] -- Science [Chemistry] 0800 - 0915
-- POA [2] 1015 - 1215

the end of our exams.. jiayou 3E2...
STUDY HARD!! :D hereby wishing you guys good luck for your EOY exams!!:D

once again, good luck guys!

-gekheong- :D
4e2 Class Blog Admin
Well the exams are only a day away and everyone's probably very stressed.

But you know, every once in a while you must take a break.

So here are some interesting things to de-stress you guys :)

In Singapore, the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous Buildings (HDB),
And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP).
Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you.
So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)?
With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA),
Which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB).
And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system.
When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital(MOH),
You might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund.
If you are out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you,
And you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH).
To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway (COE).
If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the roads.
If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to the Train (MRT),
OR get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS).
Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax,
Not even the good old place we used to go because it has become
So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!

And here's Tip #1 on Stress Relief:

1. Take a relaxing bath. Add music, candles and a glass of your favourite drink: beer, tea, hot chocolate, wine or even champagne. Close the door and forget about everything else for an hour or so. This helps to increase levels of calmness and the calmer we feel, the less likely we are to get stressed out or depressed. A luxurious way to find stress relief.

Stay tuned next week for Tip #2 :)

Yoyo guys!~
Nx mon will b the first day of eoy exam..
-->english paper 1
-->english paper 2
oops nt my role..psps..coz no one updating it..hehe ^^
3e2!~ jia you..add oil!~ all the best~gd luck!

xiurong :D
4e2 Class Blog Admin
Songs updated!

I'm not sure if you like these 3 songs. If you want to put any other songs, leave a message on the tagboard (:

Actually there was supposed to be 5 songs, but I can't find the other 2, which is Super Girl by Saving Jane and The Cargo Pornstar?

FYI, Jordan suggested these songs.


Pei Ting

Some shots taken during the frisbee inter-class. Though 3E2 did not came in first but we will always be the CHAMPS! GO! GO! GO! 3E2! Nice game guys and thanked you sporty ppl who played + the crazy cheers from the 3E2 supporters! :D
Uploaded and commented by crazy Mushroom Jia Ying :D

exams are coming in 2days time! all the best!
oh yah, can we have class outing after exams?

Hello earthlings, i have something to share with you guys regarding our safety in class. I'm worried that POA students may die anytime, anywhere in the class.

If some of you guys have heard before of witnessed, our cute little innocent POA teacher actually threw a tantrum in one of our lesson. He was slamming the chair on one of the table(which is directly beside me), then throw here throw there, siao is it. I almost take a chair beside me and slam his face as well.

He happy ah, next minute play with you, not happy say insult your whole family. What teacher sial ?!?!

Warning: Don't see him innocent2, do not judge a book by its cover is what i learnt from him !!!

OK, i actually wanted to lodge a complain to Mrs Teo one, but i don't know if i should. Later next lesson he bring gun to school how ? Any POA or any other students share the same feeling as me ?
Please stop class violence !! I got feeling next lesson will be like this !!

I want Ms Gan.

Well, i know i've been cracking this joke in class recently, just a short post for you guys 'admire'. No offence, Muttons taught me that. :/

You're so fat that when you farted, you launched yourself into
You're so fat that the only thing that's attracted to you is
You're so fat that the equator is your belt.
You're so fat that your passport photo says 'Picture is continued
You're so fat that when you wear a yellow raincoat, people shouted
You're so stupid that you bought a curtain for your Window Vista.
You're so stupid that you shouted at a envelope to send a
You're so fat that your barber has to ride on the Singapore flyer to cut
your hair.
You're so fat that you need to go East Coast park to get yourself
You're so fat that when i swerve my car to avoid hitting you, i ran out of
You're so fat that when you sit in the cinema, you sat beside
Ok enough, i find that its a never ending list from me. Looking forward from other posts by other admin ! Goodnight everyone.

*Oh sorry, i'm Wenwen and i only post nonsese and craps.
4e2 Class Blog Admin
Okay I know it's really late to have a class blog now so I was thinking that this will carry on until next year.

Since we're all in the same class until we graduate, I'm pretty sure it will last until next year.

Also, I promise to update daily so this blog will never be dead.

However I feel some rules should be enforced:

  1. Admins, you are not allowed to edit the template or posts not composed by you.
  2. Admins must be impartial [means fair] and will not update this blog with your personal bitching problems. [Eg. shooting other people indirectly etc. etc.]
  3. This blog is solely for 3E2-4E2 events and homework updates.
  4. Admins who don't post at least once will be deleted.
  5. If someone has already posted on a particular event, a similar post by another composer will be deleted.

Also, I was thinking of adding songs to the blog.

And I was wondering if the public wants the blog songs to be the latest songs or do you guys have a specific request?

If yes, please tell me.

If not, I'll just stick to the latest top 5 CLEAN & DECENT songs. [Cannot cannot have those songs like Pornstar. Obscene lah people! ==]

I am still currently waiting for the 3E2 CLASS PHOTO which Dear Miss Mushroom promised.

And also, I don't know whether I've missed out on inviting some of the bloggers in the class.

The current Admins are: [According to register number]
Jia Ying
You Tian
Xiu Rong
Wen Wen
Gek Heong
Chor May
Shan Ning
Pai Ting

Obviously they're all girls.

I doubt the horny fellas in our class will blog.

So if I've missed out anyone please tell me.

Remember this is a CLASS blog.

Everyone contributes.

For inquiries, please contact me on MSN: rose.silhouette@live.com

Papaya/Strawberry: Sorry if I sounded like this is my blog! >< I put a lot of effort into this so it's kinda like the fruit of my labour[or however you put it] Sorry! Thanks Jia Ying for pointing that out.