the year is almost coming to an end.. we'll also be having our EOY exams this coming monday..

29/9 [MON] -- English [1] 0800 - 0945
-- English [2] 1045 - 1225

3/10 [FRI] -- Social Studies 0800 - 0930
-- Mathematics [1] 1030 - 1200

6/10 [MON] -- Mother Tongue [1] 0800 - 1000
-- Mother Tongue [2] 1030 - 1200

7/10 [TUES] -- Combined Humanities(GEOG,HIST,CHI LIT Elective) 0800 - 0930
-- Mathematics [2] -- 1030 - 1200

8/10 [WED] -- Additional Mathematics 0800 - 1000
-- F&N/D&T 1100 - 1300

9/10 [THURS] -- Science [ Biology] 0800 - 0915
-- Art 1015 - 1145

10/10 [FRI] -- Science [Physics] 0800 - 0915
-- POA [1] 1015 - 1115

13/10 [MON] -- Science [Chemistry] 0800 - 0915
-- POA [2] 1015 - 1215

the end of our exams.. jiayou 3E2...
STUDY HARD!! :D hereby wishing you guys good luck for your EOY exams!!:D

once again, good luck guys!

-gekheong- :D
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